Wednesday 13 April 2011


I had another shoot today which I am currently post processing the images from. I have a ntoher shoot arranged for suring the easter break. I think then I will have a strong selection of images to choose my final images form.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Third Shoot

This is my third shoot using the same model as in the first. Main points I wanted to improve form the first shoot was the lighting as I felt it was a bit flat, the clothing because it did not go well with the environment and I did not feel I captured much of the models character. This shoot I feel overall was much more successful and I am lot happier with the images, we were both more relaxed on the shoot which helped alot and had quite a bit of fun while doing it which I feels shows. I decided to use the same location as the model really liked it and I felt there was a lot of potential.

These are the shots I liked most from this shoot, I have don minimal post production so far because I wanted to keep them quite natural.

Any comments would be appreciated.