Friday 6 May 2011


This is my most recent shoot, done with a friend of mine. I wanted to try to capture her beauty and character.

These are my selected images;

I think this is going to be my final image printed at A2 size, I like the combination of images. I did try with a couple of the others but did not think they worked as well together.

Wednesday 13 April 2011


I had another shoot today which I am currently post processing the images from. I have a ntoher shoot arranged for suring the easter break. I think then I will have a strong selection of images to choose my final images form.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Third Shoot

This is my third shoot using the same model as in the first. Main points I wanted to improve form the first shoot was the lighting as I felt it was a bit flat, the clothing because it did not go well with the environment and I did not feel I captured much of the models character. This shoot I feel overall was much more successful and I am lot happier with the images, we were both more relaxed on the shoot which helped alot and had quite a bit of fun while doing it which I feels shows. I decided to use the same location as the model really liked it and I felt there was a lot of potential.

These are the shots I liked most from this shoot, I have don minimal post production so far because I wanted to keep them quite natural.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Second Shoot

After seeing the photgoraph by Jason Bell with a dog, I was inspired to look up portraits with dogs, as they are man's best friend. A friend of mine really likes her dogs so we thought it would suit her photographs to have one of them with her. We visited an area she takes her dogs for walks on regular occasions. These are the results.

I am really happy with these photographs, I like the dogs character in them and I think they feel quite natural.

Sunday 13 March 2011

First Shoot

Yesterday I went on my first shoot, previous discussion with my model lead me to thinking of a location by the Humber Bridge called Country Park. The clothes she was wearing were what she liked to wear and felt comfortable in. These are some of the images from this shoot that I prefer.
I have too more locations to try with this model, one is Hull Marina and the second is on a beach/shoreline. I have a shoot with a different model tomorrow, and will upload more photographs as they happen.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Meeting with model

The meeting I had with my first model went well, we have planned to go out next weekend, he location will be decided this week after a call to the model. Possible locations at the moment are Hull Marina as the model likes to look at the water and really likes the area. A second location could be a wooded area or open space which would represent the unknowing of themodels future as she does not know what shs doing after finishing her degree. I woud like the location to represent the lost feeling she has.

Saturday 26 February 2011


I have a meeting with the first of my models tonight, I am going to write a set of questions to ask her about herself and from the answers decide on a location that fits in with her. I will try and organise a shoot for this week or next week depending when she is available.

Wednesday 16 February 2011


Proposal – Final Major Project
For my future career I plan to specialise in a form of portrait photography so I feel that it is important to use portraiture in this project. As I am already doing a studio project I felt that using locations with portraiture would be interesting and different to my studio project. I have looked at Jason Bell’s an Englishmen in New York photographs as his project was to take portraits of English people working and living in New York. What I particularly like about his work is that he tried to photograph the subject with something that related to the person work or character. I feel that you can connect with the subject as you know a little bit about them. Magazines also use this technique when photographing celebrities.
For my photographs I plan to use only ambient lighting with reflectors as I have only used either speed lights or studio lights when doing portraits in the past. I feel this will practice my knowledge of light and how to use it without being completely in control of it. I plan to shoot in the daytime and evening as this will challenge the lighting conditions.
I plan to keep the photographs quite natural with the way the model poses and dresses, I don’t want the photographs to look forced. I want to use the beauty of the locations to compliment the model without being distracting. I plan to use locations that relate to the person, similar to Jason Bell’s work, each shoot will take a lot of planning to find the right location with the right lighting. I plan to visit each possible location a few times to choose the best time of day for the light.
My final photographs will have different models and locations to keep variety within the project. I plan to present my photographs as mounted prints and possibly a book as well.

Monday 7 February 2011

Final Major Project

I have created this blog to show the development of my Final Major Project